I was so upset they didn’t win, Poreotix was so one-dimensional and just plain boring when compared to Blueprint. I don’t even remember any of Poreotix’s performance but I LOVE many of Blueprint’s and still watch them, particularly That’s Not My Name, this one, and BAD ROMANCE (my fave lol) And I also love the Hey Dadyy performance.. ♥
@420GOW2420 POBREotix sucks! jajaja (pobre means poor in spanish…)
love this chore 4 ever!!!
@sugabaybee22 lol
im a little late to respond, but it sux, cuz ppl in canada cant vote, but we live in Nort America!
@sugabaybee22 well technically canada IS in America..it;s just not apart of the US..and yes….they should have won
whatever i liked blue print crew but poreotix was the shit
I agree. Assholes.
I was so upset they didn’t win, Poreotix was so one-dimensional and just plain boring when compared to Blueprint. I don’t even remember any of Poreotix’s performance but I LOVE many of Blueprint’s and still watch them, particularly That’s Not My Name, this one, and BAD ROMANCE (my fave lol) And I also love the Hey Dadyy performance.. ♥
They should have won but they would never let a CANADIAN group win AMERICA’S BEST DANCE CREW…
best performance ever seen, i think they should have won . they were the best
i love this song !<3
best performance this season!
I LOVE this performance.